Stuff that might—just barely might—interest you.

Useless FAQs 1+

Senseless questions answered by an untrained monkey typing on a 50's-era typewriter.

Duller FAQs 2-

At least the useless FAQs border on humorous. These? Sheesh!

The Crossing Guard

A free "short" story. Well, it's free unless you're willing to send me boodles of money. It's up to you. This is actually more of a novella, but the same monkey typed this as typed the FAQs. Click the button to download a pdf to your computer.


This one is a genuinely short story, again free and again written by the monkey. But lemme tell ya, this is one scary monkey. Click the button to download a pdf to your computer.

Hi there! Take a moment to say hello!

Only click this if you're silly enough to want to eMail me.

Privacy Policy

As if I know enough about websites that I understand this stuff. It's a boilerplate page with tiny changes.

A Futile Link

If you click this button, it won't work. Won't do anything. Doing nothing fulfills its function. Go ahead. Click it. See what happens... Nothing, huh.

Waiting for inspiration...

Any ideas?